flutter glass PHOTOGRAPHY bio picture
  • What do you do with a B.A. in English? You turn your hobby into your passion and your passion into your work.

    In actuality, what drew me to English literature and writing eventually lead me to a career in photography. I loved how the stories that were told hundreds of years ago were essentially the same as the stories of today. The cultures and settings are varied but what remains constant is our human nature and the way we connect with one another. Literature had a way of capturing that and making gaps across countries and eras seem small.

    In a similar way, I fell in love with photography because it allowed me to freeze time and illustrate a connection to span generations. I'm so honored that the moments I capture today can someday be shown at 50th anniversary parties or shared in an album with grandchildren. My goal is to create photographs that will transport my clients and all their loved ones back in time and close the gap, for just a moment, between the past and the present.