Stephanie & Matt tied the knot in November of 2010 (I know… I know… behind on the blogging yet again!). Both ceremony and reception were held at beautiful Gershon Bachus Vintners in Temecula, CA – a great choice for a Southern California vineyard wedding. The glow through the vines was stunning, and I LOVED the venue’s reception lighting. Three, high-mounted lights made for some awesome back lit and chiaroscuro photographic opportunities! Stephanie & Matt are truly a beautiful pair – inside and out! What I really liked about photographing them on their wedding day, was that it was SO apparent to me after being with them for only a few hours how much absolutely insane fun these two have together! Read further for more about their awesome father-daughter/ mother-son dances!
Stephanie’s father is a renowned composer and he wrote a special song for her for their father-daughter dance! Stephanie’s sister, Aubrey, performed the song while they danced to it – magic!
This shot below might be one of the best mother-son photographs I’ve taken. I love her expression!!
^ ummm… I think people had FUN at this wedding!! :)